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In recent years, information about the environmental problems that affect our planet, become more and more targeted in these issues and each and one of us has easily access to any search and be informed about them. The greenhouse effect, air and water pollution, are some of the most major environmental issues. But what about desertification and drought of the land? 


Desertification is a global environmental problem that does not correlate with existence of deserts. It refers to the degradation of productive land, which loses its sustainability and fertility over time due to the intensive human activity. Under certain conditions, it can be reversible (or not) depending on the depth reduction, that has been cause in the plants’ root system. On the other hand, drought as a phenomenon itself can be referred as a long period of low rainfall in a specific area.

How did large tracts of land around the world end up to desertification and how can we act?

In Greece, when it comes to agriculture section, the employment rate is 12% ˙ thus, the primary production sector has significant importance for economy. Although, the impact of the intensive human activity on the ground, the application of inappropriate agricultural practices, intensification of agriculture, the excessive water abstraction as well as overgrazing, make suitable the condition for desertification of the land. Besides these, the tendency for urbanization and the abandon of rural areas, has definitely led to the withering of biodiversity and the downgrade of sustainability as a moral principle. Every year, vast areas of acres are burned which is discouraging and requires many years to recover.

It can noticeable that desertification and drought cannot be dealt overnight. That is why our actions must be targeted and of high quality. We ought to revise and redefine our needs to such an extent that we avoid the reckless use of natural resources and the overexploitation of our natural wealth, such as habitats, minerals, rivers and everything else that is free in the nature.

Desertification and organic farming

Focusing on the agricultural sector, converting a large part of conventional crops to organic, it would be a significant action to improve the existing situation. A soil that is free from prolonged use of chemical fertilizers is a fertile soil that robust crops can grow there. Enriching the soil with organic fertilizers and compost enhances its natural properties and at the same time, replenishes the elements absorbed by the plants.

Mainly, there is a need to raise awareness about desertification and drought by environmental scientists and research bodies since the problem is here, and we have to make more noticeable its existence.

Institute for Ecological Agriculture in order to inform and educate about the significance of sustainability, organizes seminars, which center on organic farming.


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