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The Institute of Ecological Agriculture, with a presence of more than twenty years, has a network of agronomists, farmers, scientists and growers and beekeepers. Considering organic beekeeping to be of utmost importance and in view of the upcoming organic farming / beekeeping program, we wish to emphasize the importance and difficulties of organic beekeeping, while quoting specific proposals.
Organic beekeeping is a rapidly growing industry that significantly affects the food chain and the production yields of organic farms.

Due to the documented benefits of organic bee products on consumer health, as well as the crucial role played by organic apiaries through their pollination action on organic crops, organic beekeeping is considered to be an extremely important factor in the conservation and growth of sustainable development with little ecological footprint.

Existing competition from abroad, mainly from China, has forced the price of honey and other beekeeping products to fall dramatically. Taking into account the global statistics, where there is a massive increase in demand, consumption and the tendency of consumers to choose more and more organic products, a large portion of beekeepers want to turn to organic beekeeping. Also, the existing organic beekeepers increase the size of their organic holdings.

The cost of practicing organic beekeeping practices is officially increased. Specifically:

  • The price of organic sugar reaches up to 300% more than the corresponding one of the conventional one.
  • Organic wax as a raw material is extremely hard to find and with a prohibitive purchase price.
  • The necessary honeycomb sheets used by the organic beekeeper are required to be produced by a certified organic honeycomb subcontractor, which significantly increases production costs. Indicatively, we mention that the cost of an organic honeycomb sheet often reaches up to 400% of the corresponding conventional one.


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